
It's the little things...

Here are some of the small changes and actions Pinner Wood are taking to support being more sustainable and environmentally friendly in our practices. 

  • Using Terra Cycle to recycle old pens, crisp and chocolate wrappers

  • Developing the Walking Bus to promote sustainable transport

  • Promoting using old or re-used paper when printing and photocopying

  • Reviewing the amount and cause of food waste, using compost to help reduce this

  • Establishing bike and scooter training in school to provide children with more sustainable ways of getting to school 

  • All children accross the school having outdoor learning lessons to promote understanding of nature and biodiversity

  • Working with the Earth Friends to remind out school community about saving energy and water 

Please let us know if you are able to support running our Walking Bus. Don't forget to bring in your recycling from home! 

Download and print our Energy Eagles saving check list here to.

Green Flag Eco Award

We are delighted that we have been awarded the Green Flag Eco Award with Distinction! Our Earth Friends worked exceptionally hard and the reviewers commented on our amazing committee, the whole school links we are making to Sustainability, our celebrations of key days, our fabulous outdoor learning, the links with other schools and organisations that we have made and the way we have raised awareness, created a positive impact and changed behaviours! Well done everyone. 


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TFL Stars Accreditation

We now have our Bronze TFL accreditation but are working towards Gold! See our TFL page for more information.

Pinner Wood Sustainability Pledge 

We worked as a whole school to think of aspects of sustainability we can embed and use in our learning and for our school. Using ideas from every class, we created a Pinner Wood Sustainability Pledge. 

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Sustainability Star of the Week 

As part of our celebration assembly each week, one child will be awarded the 'Sustainability Star of the Week'. This can be for their interest in sustainability at Pinner Wood, their actions, for being an active member of Earth Friends or for a sustainability initiative they have come up with. Every winner will receive a plant for their class which they will have responsibility of caring for!

Sustainability Week

Monday 6th November - Friday 10th November 2023 

Pinner Wood celebrated an amazing Sustainability Week. The message was 'Voice, Action, Change' which allowed children children, staff and the wider school community to come together to make a difference. There were a number of activities during the week including external speakers talking about Biodiversity at home, outside activities making a bug house and harvesting our school pumpkins to make soup, reviewing the energy wastage in our building, a no paper day, recycling and every child making a Sustainability Pledge. Each class used their oracy skills to report, debate or share their findings on one of the Global Goals, such as promoting sustainable travel to school. Our Year 6 pupils created detailed ‘Change Speeches’ about a sustainability issue, which they will share with families and our community later in the year.  The week ended with an impressive ‘Trashion Show’ showing the creativity and green minded nature of our impressive pupils and a SWISH Swapping event where families could donate unwanted clothes, toys and books to swap.

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Sustainability in the Curriculum 

Unique and fulfilling opportunities for outdoor learning are embedded throughout the curriculum to allow for stimulating and enjoyable learning experiences. There are also links made to Sustainability within the inside classroom learning. These include: 

  • Focus library area sharing green, recycling and sustainability texts and stories

  • Using whiteboards within learning to reduce amount of printing

  • Using natural materials to support learning, for example, conkers for counting 

  • Links within Science learning to materials, sustainable travel, plant detectives, wildlife habitats and growing for biodiversity 

  • Using See Saw where possible to share images and learning

  • Junk modelling music instruments

  • Reuse and share musical instruments 

  • Reusing and recycling old and unwanted clothing to make cushions as part of DT projects 

  • Using donations and recycled activities as part of Values Time 

Eco Code

Our Earth Friends wrote an Eco code, to go alongside our Sustainability pledge, which we will be displayed in the outdoor area. We wanted to make this more accessible for our school community to access.

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Use the QR code to find out more about Sustainability accross the Curriculum.


Sustainability Calendar

Each month we will share important environmental dates and how they link to the Global Goals, including our own school highlights! Please do let us know if there is anything missing.

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Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468
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Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468