Free Parent Support


We are pleased to announce an addition to our School programme. Beginning this half term, we will be having weekly support groups for our children who are living in single parent, step-families or have experienced any painful loss. This programme is called Rainbows.

When something significant happens in a family, the entire family is affected. Even through death, divorce or other loss issues appear to be only grown-up problems, they have a profound effect on the children who are touched by such experiences. If a parent dies or a divorce happens or a painful loss occurs, not only do the parents grieve, the children also do. Children may find it extremely difficult to verbalise their feelings of grief because of their age and inexperience.

We have some very sensitive, caring, and trained adults who have said “yes” to helping these children put their feelings into words, work through their grief, build a stronger sense of self-esteem, and begin to accept what has taken place in the family.

If your child is part of a single parent family, a step-family, has experiences the death of a loved family member, friend or sibling, or is struggling through a painful experience this will be an opportunity for him/her to share with a special someone.

Your child will receive their on letter and registration form. To be part of these groups, both of you must sign the form and return to the school office.

Miss Marriot and Miss Sapio (Rainbows Co-ordinator)

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Hello, it's Lisa here.

Attached are two virtual courses being run by the MHST (Mental Health School Team). They are part of the NHS under CAMHS.

We have a practitioner working us called Cara who has already helped many families across the school through 1:1 support and running small groups with children. Cara also delivers staff training and is on hand to help and support.

I know these will be very informative so do please apply to attend.

Brilliant Parenting Discussion groups

Sign up to any of the below sessions here -

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Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468
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Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468