Earth Friends

Our Earth Friends meet on a Wednesday after school . They collaborate, discuss and share ideas on ways to make Pinner Wood more sustainable and greener.

The Earth Friends were delighted to achieve the Green Flag award! Please see the Sutainability page for more information on their success. 


They completed an evironmental review and some of their current observations are: 

1) Need for more recycling outside 

2) Helping people in the school understand how energy is used and can be saved 

3) Working towards water saving stratergies and understanding why it is important to save water 

4) Continue to support the biodiversity of our school 

5) Promoting sustainable transport to school and the school community 


The team have created their action plan and are now working towards their key targets. 

Find out more about who the Earth Friends are, what their priorities are and green tips here. 


Here is what Earth Friends have got up to in Autumn term: 

  • Little picking
  • Looking at recycling in the school
  • Supporting with Terra Cycle to collect crisp packets, chocolate wrappers and old pens 
  • Making signs to remind staff to turn off the lights in their rooms when leaving 
  • Supporting with biodiversity by making a bug house
  • Making plant pots from recycled materials

Here is what Earth Friends have got up to in Spring term: 

  • Bird watching for the RSPB and recording what we find
  • Introducing the new members of Earth Friends and discussing what our priorities are for Pinner Wood
  • Completing an energy audit of the school and talking about next step

Here is what Earth Friends have got up to in Summer term: 

  • Taking part in a number of trips including analysis of the River Pin and attending Yes Fest 
  • Reviewing the use of water and where water is wasted in our school 
  • Updating our outdoor learning lessons 
  • Organising the celebration of Walk to School week 
  • Sharing updates in assembly
  • Submitting our final Green Flag award  

Here is what Earth Friends got up to when they returned to school in September 2024: 

  • Achieved Gold award for the Tree Council award 
  • Got the Green Flag Eco Award with Distinction
  • Organised and supported with the eco refill and pupil profit project in conjunction with Harrow 
  • Did a bin audit  
  • Litter picking in the local area 
  • Supported the organisation and running of Road Safety week including parking patrols, an assembly and a workshop

Next, they will be working on: 

  • Supporting with the running of Sustainabilty Week
  • Organising the energy champions 
  • Working towards the RHS Gardening Award 
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Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468
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Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468