Spring 2 Newsletter

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Head teacher's Messages

Dear Families,

Welcome back! This half-term is filled with celebrations and events. We’ve included as many as possible in this newsletter to help you prepare. 

This week, we introduced our term’s value: Heart of the Community. We’ll explore teamwork—within classes, year groups, and the whole Pinner Wood community—celebrating what unites us and makes us unique. Assemblies will focus on this theme, culminating in Heart of the Community Day on Thursday 3rd April. More details to come.

For those observing Ramadan, please inform us if your child is fasting. Our agreement is here. If your child is planning to fast please let us know by filling in the form. We’re also hosting a Community Iftar Dinner on Thursday 13th March, open to all. Details are in the newsletter.

Next week is Book Week! Mrs. Hickman (Year 4) and Mrs. Sharping (Year 1) have planned exciting activities and we will be celebrating World book Day on Thursday 6th March. Children can wear pyjamas, onesies, oodies or cosy clothes on this day—just ensure they’re warm enough. They can bring their favourite book to share with the class.

Later this term, teachers will meet with you to discuss your child’s progress so far this year. Booking opens on Monday, 10th March, at 6pm.If your child has SEN needs and a support plan with set targets, our staff will contact you to arrange a separate appointment—no need to sign up. For the first time this term, target sheets will be sent out ahead of the meetings, giving you a chance to review the information in advance and come prepared for the discussion.

The term ends with Easter. Join us for our Big Easter Eggtravaganza on Thursday 3rd April after school, with fun activities to raise funds for our garden. Look out for tickets!

Wishing everyone a happy term ahead,

Miss Marriott

Value of the Half Term - Betty Bee - Heart of our Community

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This half term we will be focusing on the value Heart of the Community. Last year we really unpicked what it means to BEE You, celebrating our differences as the things that make us unique. This year we are focusing on Community (specifically our Pinner Wood community) and understanding what it means to be part of a thriving community. We will run a sequence of assemblies highlighting individuals who embody the heart of our Pinner Wood community.

Shedding a light on some of the things they do to make everyone feel welcome, valued and like they belong. 

World Book Day


On the 6th March we will be celebrating World Book Day!

The book this year is:

‘I Talk Like a River’ by Jordan Scott and Sydney Smith.

The children can dress up in their pyjamas and bring in their favourite story book to share with the class.

We will are inviting parents and carers to a drop and read session from 2:30-3:00 where you will be invited to your child’s classroom and listen to your child read their favourite story book.

We will also be hosting a book swap afterschool (3:05 – 3:30) in the KS2 playground of preloved books which have been donated that can be enjoyed at a new home. If you have any children’s book that you would like to donate please hand these to the school office.

This year the World Book Day gift tokens are physical. Your child will be given their gift token on World Book Day. Many retailers are selling books online as well as instore, and are accepting the £1 book token and/or selling children’s books for under £5. Please visit https://www.booksellers.org.uk/wbd to find a list of participating retailers.

Happy reading!

Miss Sharpling and Mrs Hickman

English Leaders


On World Book Day, we will also have an author visiting the school. Dev Kothari is a local author who you can find out more about here.

Dev will be exploring the themes in her book and running a writing workshop with the Year 6 classes.

Bringing Back Kay-Kay

Steeped in mystery and adventure, this brisk and beautifully crafted middle-grade debut is set in a vividly evoked modern-day India. A character-driven middle-grade mystery, it tackles rich themes – from the sibling bond to self-worth – in a taut and suspenseful adventure.

If you would like to purchase her book you can do so here.

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New club alert!

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We introduced Be Active before the half term break and Charlie who is joining us to support and team teach within our PE lessons. They will also be running an OAA club for Year 1 and 2 on a Monday after school. Sessions will be charged at £5 a week.

Sign up here - https://www.beactivesportsandclubs.co.uk/book-online?category=94e30201-5759-48ef-be05-23ed7a73b078

Our Outdoor Adventure Activities (OAA) club offers children the chance to engage in a variety of fun, exciting, and educational outdoor activities. These activities aim to build teamwork, confidence, problem-solving skills, and resilience while allowing children to connect with nature.

Through supervised adventures like orienteering, team-building games, and outdoor challenges, children will have the opportunity to explore new skills and enjoy the great outdoors in a safe and supportive environment. OAA promotes physical activity, creativity, and leadership in a positive, outdoor setting.


We are also excited to be opening a Chess Club for children in Year 1 - 6. Please email info.strategysquare@gmail.com to book a place for Summer term.

School Notices - A few reminders

Changes to clubs

Wednesday 5th March and 12th March

Please note there will be NO running club on Wednesday 5th March or Wednesday 12th March.

Music lessons

If your child is currently having a music lesson and would like to continue next year, please complete the link sent out before half term.

Enjoy Learning - PW News

Oracy at Pinner Wood

In Spring term, we continued to open our doors to local schools in order to showcase our Oracy provision. Following this, we have launched our very own Oracy Project, connecting and bringing schools together to develop an area of Oracy within their own school. The project will be led by our own Oracy team and will involve face to face training sessions.

Alongside this, we are excited to have been chosen to host Voice 21 in March and showcase our lessons, assemblies and enrichment within the school, as an example for the best Oracy practice in the country. We are delighted to also be able to deliver a bespoke training from Alice Scott, Director of Programmes at Voice 21, to our staff.

Later in the half term, we also have our Speech Week; a showcase of speeches from Year 4 (rainforest) and Year 6 (sustainability focus).

Sporting News

Another busy but brilliant half term has been completed at Pinner Wood. All the children have been busy learning a range of new skills in their PE lessons and were introduced to our new Inter-House Competition and if you asked the children, they thoroughly enjoyed. The idea is to create some friendly rivalry at Pinner Wood School. The children will be working in their houses as teams, trying to earn as many points as possible by showcasing the skills they have learnt in their PE lessons during the term. It was lovely to see the enjoyment the children were having during this and they are already excited about the next Inter-House Competition this half term.

Congratulations to Ruby for being our first official winner of the Inter-House Trophy. Our Ruby house captains were able to collect and display the new shiny trophy in assembly. Let's hope Ruby doesn't become too attached to this trophy, as I'm sure the other three houses are ready to be declared winners next time.

Regarding sporting events outside of school, well done to our Year 5/6 girls' football team who played all of their league matches. They performed extremely well and were congratulated by other schools for their determination and teamwork. At Pinner Wood, we hosted the Year 6 netball league matches between us and five other schools. The afternoon was a success and the children performed with great spirit.

I look forward to sharing all the future successes we will have at Pinner Wood in the coming terms

Music News

The first part of the Spring Term has seen classical music being enjoyed in class as our listening focus and pupils enjoying performing in Assembly. I especially enjoyed practicing and performing a piano duet with Zaakiyah, she showed real skill in the way she performed in time with the other part.

The Year 3’s have been engaging with the Percussion Project, an annual project run with specialist tutors from Harrow Music Service. During this time, our specialist Music Teacher Mrs Kraft has been working with the pupils in Squirrels and Hedgehogs as part of their Marvellous Music topic.

The choir looking forward to a highlight of the year next week – the Choir Showcase at Elliot Hall. Please do contact the Box Office at Harrow Arts Centre if you would like to see them perform.

We are grateful to have a few new members of Orchestra this term and have recently begun practicing some exciting music from the Harry Potter film score.

Mrs Bretayne and Miss Thomas have taught a wide repertoire of songs to the Year 1 and 2 pupils in a weekly Song Assembly. This is really popular with the pupils and is an enjoyable way to help build singing skills and confidence.

Coming up – String Fest at Elliot Hall on Wednesday 26th March (invitees only) and The Lost Thing Concert with the London Symphony Orchestra at The Barbican for Year 5.

We are also delighted to have just been awarded the Music Mark as a recognition of our wonderful music provision!

Please do contact the office if you are an accomplished musician and are able to come in to perform in Assembly – the pupils enjoy hearing a wide range of live instruments and singers.

Sustainability News

Another busy half term for all things green at Pinner Wood!

Our Picker Pals litter pickers are making there way around Year 3 and 4 at the moment and it is brilliant to see children litter picking in their own roads and local communities. Our Bikeability was also a huge success for some of our Year 5 children alongside our Eco Refill shop that will continue to run each month.

A big thank you for all the support during Sustainability Week! It was an amazing week from measuring food waste, writing persuasive letters, wildlife spotting, taking the walking bus, exploring perspectives outside, going to the drinks refill station, pedestrian training, litter picking, discussing clean air, exploring transport issues and the parking patrol! It is very clear that the pupils and families at Pinner Wood are all making a difference. We are keen to buy an Eco Code sign with the money raised from our refill station that week.

We have also successfully achieved the RHS Level 5 Gardening Award, winning a number of resources and gardening vouchers to use at the school, alongside the Platinum Woodland Trust award!

This half term, we want to look back at our findings on food waste and work with our kitchen to find a way to reduce this going forwards. There is also the Big Green School clean at the end of the month to look forward to.

See you at the Eco Refill on Friday 7th March from 3.30 pm

Google Classroom News

It has now been two terms since we introduced the Chromebooks and Google Classroom to Year 6 and it has been a huge success. The children are more confident than ever and we have seen its uses expand across all subjects. The children have developed their use of office-based apps such as word; creative apps, such as adobe express to create videos; and develop their oracy and presentation skills through slides.

Now it is well-established in Year 6, our next step is to roll it out into Year 5 to deliver on our promise at Pinner Wood of making our children confident creators with technology. We are hoping to raise money to buy new Chromebooks and any contributions would be greatly appreciated. Our Fund-Raisin challenge will go towards this purchase of chrome books and we hope to raise £70,000!


Continue to look at @Pinnerwoodsch for all our updates and lots of pictures.

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Pinner Wood Events

With so many events coming up this term – We thought we would give you a rundown of what to expect.

Friday Refill your cup

Every Friday

After our success of Refill your Cup Friday during Sustainability week, we will be continuing this every Friday morning in the cabin in the Year 5 and 6 playground.

Parents, carers and families - bring a refillable cup/travel mug and a small donation for a morning cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate.

Fund Raisin Challenge

Monday 3rd March

Thank you to everyone for your support so far!

Remember—eat the raisins and fill the box with any money you can afford.

Bring the filled box back into school on Monday, 3rd March. Please mark the box with your house colour.

The house that raises the most money will win a prize!

All money raised will go towards purchasing more Chrome Books.

Parent/ Career Evening Sign up

Monday 10th March 6pm

Please log onto Arbor and book your slot.

If your child has an SEN need and has a PW support plan the class teacher will be in touch to make a separate appointment.

Year 5 Happiness Assembly and Tolmers Meeting

Tuesday 11th March 9am- 10.30am

Year 5 families – join us for our year 5 assembly on happiness.

After the assembly we will hold the year 5 residential meeting.

PW Community Iftar Dinner

Thursday 13th March 5.30pm

Come and break the fast with us.

Bring a food dish to share with the community.

This always proves to be a very special PW event.

Everyone is welcome.

Please let us know if you can help – before families have offered to share readings/ prayers.

Parent/ Carer Evening

Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th March


Join us to discuss your child’s progress so far.

Target sheets will be sent prior to the meeting, this will help guide any discussions.

Spring Birthday Bunch

Friday 28th March

Children with birthdays from 1st January – 21st April can come to school in their own clothes.

Year 4 Speech Evening

Monday 31st March 3.30-4.30pm

Families with children in year 4 are welcome to come along and hear their speeches.

Year 6 Speech Evenings

Tuesday 1st, Wednesday 2nd, Thursday 3rd April

Families with children in year 6 are welcome to come along and hear their speeches.

(Slots will be allocated in advance.)

We are Community Day

Thursday 4th April

Value day – Heart of the Community.

Children are welcome to come to school dress in clothes important to them – cultural dress, colours of their flag, favourite clothes etc.

Activities will be planned to celebrate our community.

Easter Eggtravaganza

Thursday 4th April


Join us for an afternoon of Easter Fun and our biggest ever Easter Egg hunt.

Tickets will go on sale on Friday 7th March 2025 the link will be in our newsletter.

Money raised from this event will be supporting the ongoing development and upkeep of the garden.

More details will be shared soon!

Step up - Recruitment

Pabulum Catering is looking to appoint a Head Chef— please let us know if you would like details of the role.

Today, we say a heartfelt thank you to Chef Linda as she retires from Pinner Wood. We are grateful for everything she has done for us.

Until a suitable replacement is found, Pabulum will be employing agency chefs to ensure the lunch service continues smoothly.

Betty Bee Community News - Upcoming Events

School Information Sessions

Year 4 Times table meeting

We will he hosting a meeting for Year 4 families on Friday 21st March at 9 am to share information about the Multiplication Check including what it is, the logistics around it and how you can support at home. We will share slides and information if you are not able to attend.

Maths Workshops

Following our successful RWI and KS1 Maths workshops, we will be running a Year 3 and 4 Maths Workshop beginning Friday 14th March. Each session will run from 9 - 10 am. Please use this link to sign up if you would like to attend any of the sessions.

Community Events

Friends of Pinner Wood

More details will be shared soon on our upcoming events.

External Events

Parent Workshops

We continue to share workshops and events for parents on our school website here. Please see the upcoming below event.

Gaining Family Co-operation 
A online  2 hr workshop for parents/carers of children aged 3 to 18 years on Monday 3rd March 2025

Getting to grips with the needs of the whole family can be tricky, especially as children grow into capable, independent individuals.

Topics include:
• Understanding where everyone fits in
• Getting to grips with the needs of siblings
• Finding different ways to communicate effectively
• Tips and tools on how to gain co-operation
• How to enjoy positive times and less time trying to fight losing battles

Starting: Monday 3rd March 2025
Time: 7.00-9.00pm

Venue: On-line

Cost: £14.00/ £ 5.00 concessions (with proof) Per person

To book a place please call us on 020 8863 7319 or 07498881496 or email info@hopeharrow.org.uk

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Dates for your Diary

Value: Heart of the Community 


Friday 28th Feb 

Ramadan Begins  

Monday 3rd March  

Fund Raisin Challenge in 

Tuesday 4th March 

Pancake Day 

Wednesday 5th March  

Lent Begins 

Year 6 Trip to Wicked in West End 

Thursday 6th March  

World Book Day and Book Swap

Come in pyjamas with your favourite book.

Bring any books you would like to swap for the book swap at the end of the day   

Friday 7th March

Eco Refill Shop open

Saturday 8th March   

International Women’s Day 

W.B. Monday 10th March – Friday 21st March  

Swimming Block – Woodstock and Amazon  

Monday 10th March 6pm

Sign up open Parent/ carer evening on


Tuesday 11th March  

9am – Year 5 Assembly followed by Residential Trip update. 

Wednesday 12th March

Poetry by Heart Club trip

Thursday 13th March  


Thursday 13th March  

PW Iftar Dinner –All welcome -5.30-7pm  

Friday 14th March  


Monday 17th March  

St Patrick’s Day 

Monday 17th March 

Parent/ Carer meetings start for children with SEN (two week window) 

Tuesday 18th March  

Year 5 First Aid Training 

Tuesday 18th March  

Fred Day in EYFS and Key Stage 1 

Tuesday 18th March

Global Recycling Day

Wednesday 19th March

London Docklands Museum Trip - Year 6

Thursday 20th March

NLCS Author visit - invite only

Thursday 20th March  

International Day of Happiness 

Friday 21st March 

World Down Syndrome Day 

Friday 21st March  

Year 4 - parent/ carers Time Tables check meeting 9am

Friday 21st March 

Poetry By Heart Celebration  

Friday 21st March 

Year 3/4 Gymnastics Competition  

Friday 21st March

Big School Clean - 2 weeks

W.B. 24th March  

Walk and Wheel week 

Tuesday 25th March

Year 5 trip to Gurdwara

Wednesday 26th March  

String Fest 

Wednesday 26th March  

Parent/ Carer Evening – 3.30-6.30 

Thursday 27th March  

Parent/ Carer Evening – 3.30-6.00 

Thursday 27th March

Year 3 Percussion Project showcase to

families at 11 - 11.30 am

Friday 28th March  

Birthday Bunch – Birthdays 1st Jan – 21st April  

Friday 28th March 

House Assembly 

Saturday 29th March  

Earth Hour 

Sunday 30th March  

Mothers’ Day 

Sunday 30th March  

Possible date for EID 

W.B Mon 31st March  

PW Speech Week – Year 4 and 6 

Monday 31st March 

Year 5 trip to the Barbican to see London Symphony Orchestra  

Monday 31st March 

Year 4 Speech Evening 3.30-4.15pm- Families Welcome  

Monday 31st March

Barbican Trip – Year 5

Tuesday 1st April  

RE Day  

Tuesday 1st April 

Year 2 trip to Roald Dahl Museum  

Monday 31st March - Wednesday 2nd April

Year 6 Speech Evening – Year 6 will be given time slots and families welcome to attend

Thursday 3rd April 

‘We are community’ Day 

Thursday 3rd April

Easter Eggtravaganza 3.30-5.30pm

Tickets required

Friday 4th April  

End of Term 1.30pm 

Looking Ahead to the Summer Term 

Tuesday 22nd April  

Term starts for children and staff 

Wednesday 23rd April

St George's Day

Squirrels/ Beavers/ Cubs/ Scouts can ew

Wear club uniform

Friday 25th April  

New Prefects Announced  

Friday 25th April  

Friends of PW Colour Run (After school)  

Monday 5th May 

Bank Holiday – School Closed 

Monday 12th – Thursday 15th May  


Monday 26th – Friday 30th May  

Half Term  

Monday 2nd June  


W.B. 3rd June (2 week window) 

Year 4 Multiplication Check  

W.B 9th June (2 week window)  

Year 1 Phonic Check 

W.B 9th June 

Year 6 Business Challenge Week  

W.B. 9th June 

Oracy Week  

W.B. 16th June  

STEAM Week  

Monday 23rd June – Wednesday 25th June 

Year 5 Tolmers Residential Trip 

Thursday 26th June 

Class Photos 

Tuesday 1st July  

Sports day and family picnic  

Wednesday 2nd July  

‘Move up’ morning  

Wednesday 2nd July (Evening) and Thursday 3rd July (Afternoon) 

Year 6 Show  

Friday 4th July  

Birthday Bunch 22nd April – 31st August  

Saturday 5th July   

PW Summer Carnival in school  

Monday 7th July – Friday 11th July  

Year 6 Isle of Wight Trip  

Monday 14th July  

Dream Big Open Evening  

Tuesday 15th July  

Music Concert for performers  

Friday 18th July  

8-10am Year 6 Leavers breakfast and assembly  (Year 6 families invited) 

Friday 18th July  

Term Ends for All 1.30pm  

Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd July  


Updates from Head Squad

This term, an abundance of exciting activities will be raining down on the school for many of our year groups! Starting with the youngest year, Reception will enjoy a thrilling Travel and Transport Airport experience and an exciting bus trip.

Year 1 will build houses in DT and celebrate a fun-filled “Fred Day” with Fred the Frog.

Year 2 has lots to look forward to as well! They will visit the Roald Dahl Museum, learn about habitats, discover the wonders of Zambia, and enjoy reading The Twits. In addition, they will visit a synagogue to learn all about Judaism.

Year 3 will dive into drama and read The Abominables by Eva Ibbotson. In French, they will explore fruits and lightbulbs (what a mix!). They will also have the chance to make delicious fruit kebabs as part of their French lessons. Yum!

Year 4 will be swimming at Highgrove Pool, working hard on their Maths Passports, and visiting Nower Hill thanks to the Oracy Club.

Year 5 will take the stage with their extraordinarily happy “Happy Harrow” assembly and visit the Gurdwara to enrich their cultural knowledge.

Year 6 will have their Wicked theatre performance and go on a fantastic trip to the London Docklands Museum.

All these fascinating activities are coming up in Spring 1.

Finally, to all families celebrating Ramadan: Ramadan Mubarak! 

Spring 1 in Photos

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Find us on a map

Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468

Stength Through Positivity Icon
Step Up Icon
Dream Big Icon
Enjoy Learning Icon
Heart of Our Community Icon
Choose Kind Icon

Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468
