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Head teacher's Messages

Dear Families,

A New Way to Communicate
Welcome to our first newsletter of the new school year! We’ve updated our communication strategy based on your feedback. From now on, we’ll send one main newsletter at the start of each half term, followed by a weekly Friday update. All information will be posted directly on the website to avoid attachments and passwords. Mrs. Naik, our new Communications Officer, will be managing this.

The Start of the Term
We’ve had a great start to the term! The school is calm, purposeful, and filled with engaged learners. Our new Reception and Nursery children have settled in wonderfully, and there’s a real sense of excitement across the school.

I am looking forward to seeing lots of you next week at our meet the teacher event.

Miss Marriott

Stepping up - Staffing News

New Chair of Governors
Welcome to Mrs. Tuli Palit, our newly elected Chair of Governors. Tuli has been on the governing board for three years, and with her experience as a parent and local primary school educator, she brings a wealth of knowledge to this role.

New Teachers
We’re delighted to welcome Mr. O’Brien (Year 5, PE Leader) and Miss Alice Harefield (Reception, Maple). Both are experienced teachers and have already become valuable members of our team.

Support Team

Welcome to Mrs Priya Jain (Year 2) and Mrs Vathana Ganesha (Hedgehogs) both have hit the ground running and are providing great support to the children. We also welcome Mrs Pruvi Shah who will be joining us as Welfare Officer.

A New Class
This term, we opened the Hedgehog Class in our Acorn Centre, home to six wonderful children with SEN. Led by Miss Hazelwood and supported by Vathana Ganesha, this class is truly special. I love visiting and seeing the incredible progress the children are making. We’re also recruiting another TA—see the recruitment page for details.

A New Office Team

Over the past term, we've made changes to our office team to improve efficiency and stay up to date. Led brilliantly by Mrs. Cindy Tong, with support from our current staff, their first task this month is upgrading our outdated phone system to make communication easier. The team and their roles are as follows:


Some of their roles

Contact details

Ms Cindy Tong

School Business Manager

Mrs Anita Edwards

Finance Officer

Breakfast and After School Clubs

Mrs Neeta Naik

Communications Officer

Trips / Clubs /  Music / Lettings / FPW

Mrs Krina Dassani

HR Officer

Mrs Joanna Gilbert

Attendance Officer

Mrs Sharon Ede

Admissions Officer

Mrs Purvi Shah

Welfare Officer

Medication / Dietary / Allergens / HCP

Value of the Month - Step Up

This term, our focus is on "Step Up." In assemblies and Monday morning class meetings, we're discussing how we can step up at Pinner Wood and recognizing those in our community who have done so. In October, we’ll launch the ‘Step Up’ challenge, with all participants receiving a Step Up Badge.

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Can you help?

We’re looking to purchase these badges but, with a tight budget, would appreciate any connections to a company that could sponsor them. Any support, financial or otherwise, would be greatly appreciated!

School Notices - A few reminders


REMINDER – we have an INSET day on Monday 25th November. The school will be closed to pupils as staff undertake training.

School Tours and admissions

Next week, we are starting school tours for Nursery and Reception 2025. Please see our websites for the date of the tour and call the school to book a place. Please pass this on to anyone with a Nursery or Reception aged child.

School places

We have a few places available for children accross the year groups. This is because we have introduced the Acorns Centre and it has opened up a few spaces in the main school. Please contact our office if you are interested in your child starting at Pinner Wood.

Lost Property

Lost property is now in the year 3/4 playground in the two boxes outside Maple class.

Please ensure all clothing is labelled so it does not get as far as the box.


Please remember that jewellery should be removed on PE days. I have noticed a lot of jewellery this week.

Earrings should be removed and not worn to school on PE days.

We understand that some children have items of religious significance that cannot be remove – please inform your teacher if this is the case.

PE Kits

Ensure your child wears their PE kit on PE days. As the weather gets colder, please include a jumper, tracksuit bottoms, or leggings (no hoodies!). On club days, children should bring their PE kit to change into.

Smart Phones on Hold

We’ve paused the use of smart phones and watches for Year 5/6. They may bring a phone, but not a smart phone. This initiative is part of a larger project with other schools, aiming to prolong childhood. We’ll trial this for the term and review it later. There’s also an upcoming TV documentary on this topic!

Birthdays at Pinner Wood

We love celebrating birthdays with our "Birthday Bunch" day at the end of each term, where children with birthdays can come in non-uniform. However, please do not send food, sweets, or cakes due to allergies and our healthy school initiative. Non-food treats or a book for the class are welcome but not required.

Reporting Absence

Please read the absence letter sent out this week. If your child is absent, you MUST report it by 8:30 a.m. via email at or phone 0208 868 2468.
Failure to report by 9 a.m. will result in the absence being marked as unauthorised, which could lead to a fine. This is to safeguard our pupils, so we appreciate your support as we tighten procedures.

Bonnie Bird - Good News Corner

We're opening a shop! We have secured funding from Harrow to open our own Pupil Profit Eco Refill shop. This means it will be planned, led and ran by the pupils! The aim is to reduce the use of plastics and waste.

Items sold will include washing up liquid, shampoo, conditioner and soap. We ask you to bring a bottle to fill up your products in.

Keep an eye out here for future updates and opening times.

Miss Reeves

Step up - Recruitment

Click the links below to access the jobs

TA in Acorn Centre (SEN support)

Pabulum Lunch Assistants

Enjoy Learning - Classroom Notices

Year 6 goes Google!

Year 6 have launched their Google school and every child has access to a Chrome book for learning- it is pretty impressive to see!

This is a term trial and we hope to roll out further in future- budget permitting!

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Meet the Teachers

We invite you to a short informative session (35mins approx) to meet the class teachers and find out about the ahead.

These will take place during the day and we recognise that this will not suit everyone. The slides will be uploaded to Seesaw and shared after each session.

Please not this will be a general presentation and the teachers will not be able to answer questions about individual children. These can be asked at our Parent's/ Carers evening.

Year 6 - 9am Tuesday 17th September

Year 5 - 9am Wednesday 18th September

Year 4 - 9am Thursday 19th September

Year 2 - 9am Friday 20th September

EYFS, Year 1 and Year 3 happened in the summer term.

Betty Bee Community News

School Information Sessions

Tuesday 24th September 9am-9:45am

Tea and talk with the SLT and Pastoral Leader at PW – join us for an informal session getting to know our school.

Thursday 26th September (2.30pm) and repeated Friday 27th September at 9am

Reception and Year 1 meetings – phonics, tapestry and Seesaw

Monday 7th October 9am-10am

Do you want to know how you can support your child to stay safe online? We have invited EPC Safeguarding to come in and talk to you about current issues/ tips and safety.

Last time they came it was brilliant – so please join us!

Community Events

Community Evening

Join us on Friday 20th September from 5.30-7:15pm

This is an informal evening to meet our school community.

We ask for you to bring a ‘dish’ to share with our community clearly labelled with the ingredients used.

This could be something special to your cultural/ heritage.

You are warmly invited to wear cultural dress.

Our first Garba

The Friend of Pinner Wood along with some very helpful families are organising a Garba on Saturday 19th October. This is a Gujarati dance celebrated in Navarati but it will be open to our whole school community. Information will follow soon.

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Dates for your Diary

Meet the teacher’ Week - 9am to 9:45am each

morning in Upper Hall 

Families invited to meet the team and hear about the year ahead

  • Tuesday 17th September - Year 6  Meet the Teacher

  • Wednesday 18th September - Year 5  Meet the Teacher

  • Thursday  19th September –Year 4 Meet the Teacher

  • Friday 20th – Year 2 Meet the Teacher

Thursday 19th September

Great Fire of London Workshop in school for Year 2 

Friday 20th September

Cultural day and evening 5.30-7.15pm

Tuesday 24th September - 9am

Meet SLT and hear about the year ahead at Pinner Wood

Thursday 26th September 2.30 and

repeated on Friday 27th September at 9am

EYFS and Year 1 - SEESAW and phonics information sessions

Week Beginning – 30th September

Reception Autumn Walks

Wednesday 2nd October - 9am - 9:45am

Year 3 Harvest Assembly

Thursday 3rd October

National Poetry Day and competition launching

Thursday 3rd October

Year 4 Trip to British Museum

Friday 4th October - Year 3

Stone Age Workshop (Dress up) in school

W.B. 7th October

Science/ Space week

Monday 7th October

Online Safety Workshop for families at 9am with Education Child Protection

Monday 7th October

Online safety workshops for year 1-6pupils in school.

Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th October

Planetarium in School - Classes to visit in slots

Tuesday 8th October

Year 1 Autumn Walk

Thursday 10th October

Hello Yellow Day for Mental Health – children invited to wear a

touch of yellow with uniform.

Monday 14th October

Year 6 Imperial War Museum

Saturday 19th October

Garba celebration

Tuesday 22nd October

RE Day 1

Wednesday 23rd October and Thursday 24th October

Parent/ Carer Evening 3.30-6pm

Wednesday 23rd October

Year 1 perform Workshop in School – Gunpowder Plot

Thursday 24th October

Black History Celebration in School

Friday 25th October

STEP UP Celebration Day and non-uniform Day

Friday 25th October

Half Term

Future Dates for your Diary - we have tried to be very organised!

Wednesday 6th November

Flu immunisations  whole school

Friday 8th November

Spooky Disco

Wednesday 13th November 9am-9:45am

Year 4 Diwali Assembly

Friday 15th November

Year 5 trip to Science Museum

Friday 22nd November

Super Hero dress up day and lockdown practice

Monday 25th November

INSET DAY – School Closed

Tuesday 26th November (1 week)

Travelling Book Fair

w.b 9th December

Reception and Key Stage 1 show weeks (times to be sent nearer time)

Friday 13th December

Birthday Bunch 1st September- 31st December

Friday 13th December

Year 4,5,6 – Church Visit

W.B 16th December

Nursery Show

Tuesday 17th December

Year 2 and 3 Watford Palace Theatre Panto

Date TBC

Panto in school for year 1 and EYFS

Wednesday 18th December

Christmas Lunch

Friday 20th December

Term Ends at 1.30pm

Monday 6th January

Term Begins for all children

Tuesday 11th February – 9am-9:45am

Year 5 Assembly

Monday 17th – Friday 21st Feb

Half Term

Thursday 6th March

World Book Day

Thursday 13th March

Possible date for IFTAR dinner

Monday 24th March 3.30-4.30pm

Year 4 Speech evening

Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th March

Parent/ Carer evenings

Friday 28th March

Birthday Bunch 1st January – 21st  April

Friday 4th April

Term Ends at 1:30pm

Tuesday 22nd April

Term Starts for all

Monday 12th – Thursday 15th May


Wednesday 21st – Friday 23rd May

Year 5 Phasels Wood Trip

Monday 26th – Friday 30th May

Half Term

Monday 2nd June


W.B. 3rd June (2 week window)

Year 4 Multiplication Check

W.B 9th June (2 week window)

Year 1 Phonic Check

W.B 9th June

Year 6 Company Week

W.B. 9th June

Oracy Week

W.B. 16th June


W.B. 16th June

Year 6 Change Speeches

Tuesday 1st July

Sports day and family picnic

Wednesday 2nd July

‘Move up’ morning

Wednesday 2nd July (Evening) and Thursday 3rd July (Afternoon)

Year 6 Show

Friday 4th July

Birthday Bunch 22nd April – 31st August

Friday 4th July

PW Summer Carnival in school

Monday 7th July – Friday 11th July

Year 6 Isle of Wight Trip

Monday 14th July

Dream Big Open Evening

Tuesday 15th July

Music Concert for performers

Friday 18th July

8-10am Year 6 Leavers breakfast and assembly  (Year 6 families invited)

Friday 18th July

Term Ends for All 1.30pm

Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd July


Heart of the Community - News from Pinner Wood Friends

News will be coming next week....

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Find us on a map

Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468
Stength Through Positivity Icon
Step Up Icon
Dream Big Icon
Enjoy Learning Icon
Heart of Our Community Icon
Choose Kind Icon

Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468